Please join the Lynchburg Office of Economic Development for the annual Enterprise Zone “How to Qualify” meeting and workshop on Tuesday, February 7th at 5:30 p.m. in the GTLC Transfer Center Conference Room, 800 Kemper Street.
Topics of interest to business owners and developers will include:
- An overview of the Virginia Enterprise Zone program
- How to qualify for the Enterprise Zone program
- the benefits of the Enterprise Zone grants
To determine if your property is located in one of the city’s two Enterprise Zones and see recent Enterprise Zone activity, explore the interactive Enterprise Zone map.
New construction or redevelopment projects completed in 2016 with at least 30% commercial space are possibly eligible for Enterprise Zone benefits. Redevelopment projects require a $100,000 minimum investment and new construction projects require a $500,000 minimum investment to qualify. Applications for Grant Year 2016 are due April 1, 2017. More information, including the online application system, are available through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development website.
In addition, the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will host How-to-Qualify Webinars for the Enterprise Zone State Incentives on Wednesday, February 7, 2017 at 10 AM and 1 PM. You can register for the webinar online here.