How is productivity at your workplace? If every day and afternoon feels like Monday morning and things really do feel too much like a daily grind, it may be time to shake things up a little to improve workplace productivity.
What three things could make big changes at your business?
1) Treat employees as adults
Give your team members respect, accountability, and feedback. Employees may be more willing to work hard if they feel valued and if they are treated like adults. Give workers respect – both as employees and as people. Make workers accountable by setting deadlines or by making project milestones public, giving that added push to make sure that everything gets done. Finally, provide positive and useful feedback so that employees have something specific to work towards. When you treat employees as valued professionals, workplace productivity tends to improve significantly.
2) Give employees a reward system
Incentives can go a long way towards making employees willing to work hard. At many businesses, rewards come down to bonuses and money, but research has shown that these are not always most effective. The possibility of promotion can actually be more effective. Giving employees more control over their work and with decision-making – by offering some remote work options, for example – can also have a better impact.
Even fun rewards such as spa days or a team field trip can make a big difference towards productivity, especially when rewards and incentives are linked to productivity and work accomplishments. When your team knows that they get a few hours free after finishing a report, they may feel much more motivated to sit down and work on those last edits.
3) Make the workplace pleasant
Look around the area where employees work. Is it a fun and cheerful place or is everyone frowning? Few people spend all workday smiling, but the overall mood should be cooperative and positive. If it’s not, it’s time to evaluate why. If personalities don’t mesh, moving teams around might help. If the workplace is looking drab, a common area and some plants or redecoration might be in order. In an office, good quality equipment can cut frustration and make the workplace flow more smoothly.
Do you need more ideas to motivate your team? Consider setting up an idea board where workers can add their own ideas for improving workplace productivity. You might just find out that they have some great ideas. Whether it’s a workplace book club, casual days, exercise breaks, better furniture, or more collaborative work, consider all options. Your team members may just be giving you the keys to make your business better than ever.
Lynchburg and surrounding Virginia communities are known for having great workers. A few tweaks may be all it takes to ensure that your employees are happy and are giving you their best effort each day.
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